Category: MiniMe Nutrition

  • Too Much, Too Little, or Just Right? The Portion Size Puzzle for Mini-Me

    Portion sizes for Mini-Mes are like a guessing game: too little, and they’re suspicious; too much, and it’s a science experiment. Finding the right balance feels like being a chef, referee, and food psychologist all at once. So, what’s the right portion size for Mini-Me? Portion Control: Teaching Mini-Mes Healthy Eating Habits from the Start…

  • Mini-Me and the Salty Little Secret

    A sprinkle here, a pinch there, and before you know it, salt is like that uninvited guest who shows up early and eats all the snacks. When Mini-Mes develop a taste for it, they start treating it like a condiment at every meal, making you wonder if they’re secretly training for a career as a…

  • Mini-Me vs. Sugar: The Battle of the Highs and Low

    A sprinkle of sugar here and there? Sweet! But if it starts running the show, can cause some serious problems, from energy crashes to long-term health issues. Keep the sugar party fun, but don’t let it take over the whole show! Sugar is like a sneaky ninja It might give you a quick burst of…

  • Mini-Me and The Great Veggy Escape

    Your Mini-Me is like Disgust from Inside Out when it comes to eating Vegetables? No worries… you can boost vegetable consumption by combining hands-on activities and educational approaches! Vegetables are The Superheroes of Your Mini-Me’s Diet Vegetables are like tiny powerhouses, packed with nutrients that help kids grow strong, smart, and healthy. Scientific research has…